Tuesday, September 1, 2020

An Introduction to Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund

Based in Burr Ridge, Illinois, Codilis and Associates is a law firm that specializes in real estate and bankruptcy. As part of their practice, Codilis & Associates is an agent of Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc., a title insurance company that was founded to strengthen the role of the lawyer in real estate transactions.

Attorneys’ Title Guaranty Fund (ATG) was established in Illinois in 1964 by concerned lawyers regarding their relegation to the background in real estate transactions. As such, the company is widely known as an advocate for real estate lawyers in legislature. Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund is the only title insurance company with lawyers as agents. It promotes and strengthens the attorney’s role by monitoring trends that threaten consumers’ rights and the attorneys' representation ability in the real estate market. ATG also offers attorneys the products, services, and tools that will allow them to compete effectively.

The goal of Attorneys’ Title Guaranty Fund has always been to provide its agents with maximum support and assistance that enables them to deliver world-class legal services in real estate transactions, such as title insurance and trusts. Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund also participates in several community initiatives, such as Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, and Lawyers Feeding Illinois, connecting law firms like Codilis and Associates with charitable projects to contribute to.